Dentures And Partials In Marietta, GA

Fall In Love With Your Smile

Specializing In Full And Partial Dentures

Tooth injury, decay, or loss can have a negative impact on your oral health and overall quality of life. Normal, everyday occurrences like speaking and eating become increasing difficult, especially when there is more than one compromised tooth.

Thankfully, our Marietta dental office specializes in both full and partial dentures to help restore your smile back to a natural-looking state. Get the treatment you need to go about your daily life more confidently than ever before.

Benefits of Getting Dentures

On top of the clear aesthetic benefit of getting dentures, patients who use them also experience:

  • More seamless eating and speaking
  • An expanded food palette (improved eating capacity)
  • A greater sense of self-confidence
  • A fuller-looking face (no sinking or sagging)
  • Fewer headaches and/or jaw pain
  • Stronger facial muscles (added support)

Although you might lose your natural teeth permanently, you only have to deal with the negative side effects temporarily. Our office will come up with a personalized treatment plan to help you overcome unsightly and uncomfortable dental problems.

Full Vs Partial Dentures

If you’ve only experienced some tooth injury, decay, or loss, a partial denture (or bridge) is the best treatment option. Our dental professionals will design a custom-made partial denture consisting of artificial teeth and a gum-colored base to blend on with the rest of your natural teeth.

If you’re missing all of the teeth in the upper or lower portion of your mouth (also called an arch), a full denture is used to restore both its appearance and functionality. Both types of dentures are designed to work just like your natural teeth and provide extra support to other areas of your mouth, like your jaw and cheeks.

Managing Your Dentures

Both full and partial dentures are removable so they can be taken out and cleaned with ease. Once your dentures are placed, you should continue to schedule appointments with your dentist on a regular basis so they can monitor your treatment. This will also serve as preventative measure against other dental problems, like an oral infection – most commonly gum disease.

Keep in mind that after treatment, the shape and size and your jaw bone is prone to change. You may need to have your dentures adjusted or remade when they start to feel loose – usually within five to ten years of being placed.

Whether you are missing just a few teeth or have experienced a more serious problem like wide-spread tooth decay, we can help. Call our office today to learn more about our denture treatment plans and find out which one is right for you.